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How Sewers Made Rome
While today, the city of Rome is a place overflowing with history, culture and influence, it is difficult to associate the modern marvel...
Cindy Levesque
Apr 3, 20233 min read

Mortuary Temples
Most of what the general public knows about ancient Egypt relates to their dealings with death: mummies, pyramids, King Tut’s death mask,...
Christofer Ek
Mar 20, 20232 min read

Heritage Beyond Borders: the History of the Salvage of Abu Simbel Temples
This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of UNESCO's World Heritage Convention The purpose of the convention is to promote and initiate...
Ece Karakas
Jan 9, 20234 min read

Is Ancient History really “Ancient History”?
An examination of how antiquity lives on in Renaissance, Baroque and Neoclassical architecture Today, when something is no longer...
Linda Persson
Dec 16, 20229 min read

This is science fiction, NOT science:
- A reaction to the first episode of Ancient Apocalypse I’m on my sofa, several weeks after ‘Ancient Apocalypse’ debuted on Netflix -...
Anna Sunneborn Gudnadottir
Dec 13, 20225 min read

The Discovery of Cleopatra’s Lost Tomb?
- Has new evidence finally revealed the biggest discovery of the 21st century? Cleopatra VII is perhaps one of the most recognized...
Megan Kumorek
Dec 5, 20224 min read

Brick by (boring) brick
Throughout history different kinds of building techniques and materials have dominated the fashion and knowledge of their time. One of...
Anna Sunneborn Gudnadottir
Nov 28, 20223 min read

Augustus’ Altar of Peace and the propaganda which led to its construction
Rome began as a kingdom, ruled by kings, until the population became so enraged with the system that they expelled the last king and...
Cindy Levesque
Nov 21, 20225 min read

Tell Qaramel: A Pre-Pottery Neolithic settlement.
Tell Qaramel is a tell, or mound, located in the northern part of Syria ca 25 km north of Aleppo. The tell lies between the modern...
Anna Sunneborn Gudnadottir
Oct 27, 20223 min read

False doors: gateways to the other world
Without a doubt, any visitor to a museum with a larger Egyptian collection, or indeed to Egypt itself, has failed to notice the large...
Josefin Percival
Oct 24, 20223 min read

Building materials: Clear as mud?
Ever since the Neolithic (10,000 - 4500 BCE), mudbrick has been the main building material in warmer climates like Africa and the Middle...
Anna Sunneborn Gudnadottir
Oct 23, 20224 min read
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